Rose Repairing Cream

59.00  incl. VAT

Package : 30ml

Stock left: 19

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A unique concentrated nourishing cream Rose cream, full of active ingredients to restore, rejuvenate and brighten the skin. Each of the cream’s bio⁺ ingredients is deliberately selected for comprehensive care of your skin’s health, and thanks to the revolutionary processing procedure, the cream has high absorption and effectiveness. The individual components have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain the most concentrated and effective organic antioxidants.
Oxidation-reduction potential: (-40 mV) – (-120 mV).

Rose Repairing Cream is most recommended for normal, dry, sensitive, mature and otherwise stressed skin.

The new airless packaging ensures the freshness, high efficiency and great properties of the cream for the entire period of use. The new packaging with a pump also prevents the possibility of contamination of the cream with bacteria, thanks to which it lasts a long time and maintains its pleasant consistency. After using up the cream, you can buy a new refill at a discounted price.






Krásne vonia a hydratuje. Pokožku pekne zjednotí (asi má vyšš obsah vit. C). Vyhovuje mi aj konzistencia. A mám rada Malinna zmysel pre estetiku...tie čisté línie obalov.
Mám ho rada a som pozitívne prekvapená, je veľmi dobrý na deň, aj pod make-up, pokožku mám hydratovanú a príjemne mäkkú, vďaka tomu menej viditeľne vrásky.
Na problémy s pokožkou je vynikajúci - jednak sa mi začali sťahovať póry a zmizli nedokonalosti, a neterke pomohol na ekzém.